Whether visiting Whistler for a quick weekend away or a more extended stay, using the opportunity to venture into the wilderness, either for ‘forest bathing’ or sight-seeing, is a must. Within a window of a few hours, you can experience the west coast rainforest, the lush vegetation, expansive glaciers, and observe wildlife in their true home.

wildlife, safari, helen siwak, nick aubertin, ecoluxluv, folioyvr, vancouver, vancity, yvr, bc, luxury, lifestyle
The power of Alexander Falls | Image by Helen Siwak

Our Four Seasons Whistler concierge recommended an early morning photo safari, so the following morning we were in the lobby at 6 am sharp enjoying a fresh roast coffee, ready to explore.

We met Nick Aubertin, an avid wildlife photographer and guide for Whistler Photo Safari, who instructed us on the etiquette of wildlife watching before leading us to a new Jeep Wrangler JK. Strapped in and comfortable, we pulled out of the Four Seasons on a mountain mission to locate and photograph the elusive bears.

wildlife, safari, helen siwak, nick aubertin, ecoluxluv, folioyvr, vancouver, vancity, yvr, bc, luxury, lifestyle
Magnificent beast | Image by Nic Aubertin
whistler, wildlife, safari, helen siwak, nick aubertin, ecoluxluv, folioyvr, vancouver, vancity, yvr, bc, luxury, lifestyle
Baby bruin | Image by Nic Aubertin

The Whistler and Blackcomb Mountains are home to many animal populations, but it is the powerful and impressive bears that people, from around the world, come to see. Recent estimates have the bear population around 60 and the best months for viewing are May and June.

Along the highway and throughout our adventure, Aubertin was quick to spot movement and identify sounds coming from the thick forest. Driving up the extremely rocky and winding trails, he also took us to an incredible vantage point to experience the power of the breath-taking Alexander Falls, and after prompting, shared his story of traveling to Canada from the UK and his decision to make Whistler home.

wildlife, safari, helen siwak, nick aubertin, ecoluxluv, folioyvr, vancouver, vancity, yvr, bc, luxury, lifestyle
Olympic Park look-out for wildlife | Image by Helen Siwak

Although known for its snowy peaks and its thriving community of winter sports enthusiasts, Whistler is also a fantastic destination in the spring and summer time for those who cherish the opportunity to connect with nature—albeit at a much slower pace.

Our guided mountain experience was amazing and by 9 am, we were back at the Four Seasons, energized, enjoying a hearty buffet at Sidecut Restaurant and mapping out the rest of the day

Author Profile

Helen Siwak, Luxury Lifestyle Observer
Helen Siwak, Luxury Lifestyle Observer
Helen Siwak is the founder of EcoLuxLuv Marketing & Communications Inc and publisher of Folio.YVR Luxury Lifestyle Magazine and PORTFOLIOY.YVR Business & Entrepreneurs Magazine. She is a prolific content creator, consultant, and marketing and media strategist within the ecoluxury lifestyle niche. Post-pandemic, she has worked with many small to mid-sized plant-based/vegan brands to build their digital foundations and strategize content creation and business development. Helen is the west coast correspondent to Canada’s top-read industry magazine Retail-Insider, holds a vast freelance portfolio, and consults with many of the world’s luxury heritage brands. Always seeking new opportunities and challenges, you can email her at helen@ecoluxluv.com.
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