The tropical country of Costa Rica offers a myriad of opportunities for relaxation and enjoyment in spectacular natural surroundings, making it the perfect place for a luxury home in the sun. The multi-talented team at SARCO Architects provides the ideal partners for their selection of clients from around the world who are looking to plan and design their very own piece of paradise.
A Strong Philosophy of Quality
The company, founded 48-years ago, started working with American and European clients who were looking to build their dream holiday and retirement homes in Costa Rica. CEO Roderick Anderson is Costa Rican-born and leads the company with a strong philosophy of providing the highest quality standards and attention to detail. The results are high-end masterpiece residences.

World-Wide Recognition & Sustainable Design
Two of the company’s well-recognized projects are stylish contemporary homes situated on the northwest coast of the country, in the luxury resort of Peninsula Papagayo. Both Villa Serena and Casa Aramara have been designed with sustainability at their core. The company’s unique approach works with the natural contours of the land to ensure the least possible disruption to the environment. The exceptional homes maximize the use of space and feature sustainable elements designed to enhance their comfort and reduce energy needs.

The company is a three-time Luxury Lifestyle Awards winner and won across three categories in 2021:
- Best Luxury Architect Studio in Costa Rica
- Best Luxury Architecture & Single Residential in Costa Rica for Casa Aramara
- Best Luxury Architecture Single Residential in Costa Rica for Villa Serena
With the goal to design elegant, modern homes that offer sustainability, comfort and style, SARCO has achieved an impressive reputation as a one-stop solution for luxury homes in Costa Rica.
Author Profile

- Luxury Lifestyle Awards is one of the world’s most recognized and respected brands, providing assurance of the highest quality, and representing pioneering excellence and innovation. As media partners, Folio.YVR Luxury Lifestyle Magazine is proud to be chosen to share the stories of worldwide winners who have excelled in their categories. In its 12th year, the Luxury Lifestyle Awards continue to seek and reward brands for reaching the pinnacle of and providing a luxury brand experience to those who appreciate the finest things in life.
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