Have you noticed that humans are obsessed with going fast? Whenever a motorsport speed record is broken, someone steps up and announces that they will go even faster. It is a compulsion that leads to excitement, danger, and risk.
Science tells us that biologically speaking, driving fast is accompanied by an adrenaline surge, which results in a jump in blood pressure and heart rate. It is that rush that explains it all and makes it all the more exciting! It is no secret that west coast Canada enjoys a high population of luxury, super- and hyper-cars. On Vancouver Island, there is a perfect place for owners to drive them without distraction.
Hidden Amongst the Pines
Nestled in the Cowichan Valley‘s beautiful rolling hills, The GAIN Group created the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit. Just outside of Duncan, this motorsport playground is a meeting place for a community of driving enthusiasts and related businesses. This course will challenge even the most skilled driver with its 19-turns. This 2.3-kilometre road circuit has breathtaking elevation changes of up to 11.5%. With up to five different track configurations and Canada’s only year-round motorsport circuit, this first-class operation has everything needed to host incredible adrenaline-driven events.
The circuit was realized by Formula 1 German engineer Hermann Tilke, who is best known for being one of the top Formula 1 and Moto GP circuit designers in the world.
Tilke has worked in the motorsport business for over 30-years and is best knowns for his radical overhauls of the European circuits, such as the Hockenheimring, Circuit de Catalunya, Nürburgring, and Fuji Speedway in Japan.
In the last decade, he designed the new Circuit of the Americas in Austin, Texas, the Sochi Autodrom which hosted its first race in 2014 with the debut of Russia in F1, Kuwait Motor Town which opened officially in 2019 and the Hanoi Street Circuit, which was set for April of 2020 but cancelled due to COVID-19.
Tilke’s passion is to create the best tracks globally, and nowhere is this more evident than the detailed design work created for Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit.
Excitement for all Levels of Drivers
Whether you are a novice looking for an adventure at a motorsport circuit or an experienced driver hoping to hone performance driving skills, the VI Motorsport Circuit offers multiple Driving Experiences, plus Wet Weather Training, and a series of Driving Tours.
Specialized packages include the Tour D’Italia, A Taste of Germany, and Classic Car Tour. The latter comes with an overnight package at Villa Eyrie Resort.
Before your day begins, all drivers are advised to comply with the 4-Part Preparation Guide, ensuring the driver and vehicle perform at their best. Recommended is a vehicle inspection in the week previous, good sleep the night before, and no alcohol on the day-of. There is a zero-tolerance policy for alcohol and non-compliance with posted on-site sanitization protocols.
Suggested attire is comfortable, weather-appropriate, with flexible sole shoes with good traction, sunglasses, and a helmet (available for rent).
Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit has earned its reputation for being the best in the business and providing an adventure that everyone can get excited about. Whether you are driving or watching from the Paddock Lounge, your experience will be one-of-a-kind in Canada. The GAIN Group’s attention to detail in developing a world-class track has not gone unnoticed, with visitors flying in from around the world to this beautiful and exciting west coast facility.
* It is requested that you consult their website for availability throughout the current scenario.
Author Profile

- Helen Siwak is the founder of EcoLuxLuv Marketing & Communications Inc and publisher of Folio.YVR Luxury Lifestyle Magazine and PORTFOLIOY.YVR Business & Entrepreneurs Magazine. She is a prolific content creator, consultant, and marketing and media strategist within the ecoluxury lifestyle niche. Post-pandemic, she has worked with many small to mid-sized plant-based/vegan brands to build their digital foundations and strategize content creation and business development. Helen is the west coast correspondent to Canada’s top-read industry magazine Retail-Insider, holds a vast freelance portfolio, and consults with many of the world’s luxury heritage brands. Always seeking new opportunities and challenges, you can email her at helen@ecoluxluv.com.
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