We have all seen the words complementary, alternative, and integrative, used in association with health and wellness treatments but what do they really mean? These terms are continually evolving and for those who are seeking treatment and therapies outside of what would be considered conventional, finding trusted sources may prove difficult.
The term alternative therapy refers to any health treatment not the standard in Western medical practice. When used alongside standard medical practices, alternative approaches are referred to as complementary medicine. Beyond that, complementary and alternative therapies are difficult to define, largely because the field is so diverse. It encompasses diet and exercise changes, acupressure and acupuncture, aromatherapy and Ayurvedic medicine, balneotherapy (water therapy), reflexology and Reiki, cryotherapy, chiropractic treatments, and more.
Tality Wellness – North Vancouver
Tality Spa is one of North Vancouver’s best-kept wellness secrets. Their wood-fired cedar saunas and ice tubs aid muscle recovery and help reset the nervous system. The spa aims to make treatments affordable and practical so that customers can routinely make use of them and benefit their health and wellness long-term. You can incorporate Tality Wellness into your routine in various ways, whether that be through a membership plan, punch passes or single sessions – cold dips and kombucha never felt so good!
Float House – Vancouver, Abbotsford, Victoria & Langford
Head to Float House to achieve profound relaxation, meditation and wellness in a float tank. Founders Mike and Andy Zaremba discovered the benefits of floating for themselves in 2o10, and have since been working towards sharing this wellness practice with others. With 800lbs of Epsom salts dissolved in 10’’ of water, you will effortlessly float in the enclosed tank. The tanks are light-proof, sound-proof and have a neutral smell to allow you to fully unwind and relax. Float House can be the ultimate meditation space to help you escape busyness and noise, and in turn, reduce stress.
M Prive Salon – Gastown
Located in the heart of historic Gastown, M Privé is a beautiful, urban salon and spa that offers a variety of services and treatments. Their unique house offering, the scalp facial, helps restore and rejuvenate thinning, damaged hair and hair loss by adopting a skincare approach for the hair and scalp. M Privé is the ideal salon to visit if you need hair revitalization and recovery from heat damage, fallout, or dryness.
IV Health Centre – Vancouver
The mission at the IV Health Centre is to provide optimal health care with personalized treatment plans for each client. Conveniently located in downtown Vancouver, the clinic helps clients through hydrating, vitamin and mineral therapies. Their multidisciplinary team works with clients to assess their needs and achieve each individual’s health and wellness goals.
Willow’s Wax Bar – East Vancouver
Willow’s Wax Bar has a wide variety of treatments and services from medical aesthetics to naturopathic medicine and cosmetic tattooing. Their newest treatment is their lymphatic drainage and Brazilian butt-lift. This rejuvenating and non-invasive treatment helps stimulate the gluteal muscle while drawing out toxins from the tissue with a special cupping machine. You may be surprised by the incredible variety of treatments and services offered at Willow’s Wax Bar.
Author Profile

- Helen Siwak is the founder of EcoLuxLuv Marketing & Communications Inc and publisher of Folio.YVR Luxury Lifestyle Magazine and PORTFOLIOY.YVR Business & Entrepreneurs Magazine. She is a prolific content creator, consultant, and marketing and media strategist within the ecoluxury lifestyle niche. Post-pandemic, she has worked with many small to mid-sized plant-based/vegan brands to build their digital foundations and strategize content creation and business development. Helen is the west coast correspondent to Canada’s top-read industry magazine Retail-Insider, holds a vast freelance portfolio, and consults with many of the world’s luxury heritage brands. Always seeking new opportunities and challenges, you can email her at helen@ecoluxluv.com.
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