Dawn Chubai has worked in the broadcasting industry nationally on television screens for the last 23 years. In 2017, she took those on-camera hosting skills and actively immersed herself in the dynamic realms of ‘TV Home Shopping’ and ‘Live Selling Platforms,’ resulting in over $30 million in retail sales for hundreds of brands across all commodities.
Dawn has proven uniquely qualified to media train chefs, bartenders, sommeliers, interior designers, style experts, real estate professionals, athletes and personal trainers.
While Dawn continues to work as an in-demand media trainer, she has launched the next level of professional development for Brand Ambassadors and Influencers.
Drawing from her rich background as a media trainer and TV Home Shopping host, she launched Live Selling School and developed her signature Home Shopping Host (HSH) method of live selling.
As principal of Live Selling School, Dawn shares professional tips on becoming comfortable on camera while teaching the essential skills and livestream sales strategies necessary to convert customers from in-person shopping to e-commerce. Whether utilizing a specific live commerce platform or exploring other avenues, ‘Dawn Chubai’s Home Shopping Host Method of Live Selling’ is adaptable to all commodities and brand e-commerce strategies.
Currently an on-air host and salesperson at TSC, Canada’s only television shopping network, memorable credits include hosting Breakfast Television in Vancouver and Toronto, Hometown Heroes Lottery spokesperson, and in-arena host for the Vancouver Canucks.
Dawn’s professional affiliations include the National Speakers Board, Canadian Women in PR, and ACTRA. She is the recipient of awards from the BC Association of Broadcasters and the Alberta Recording Industry Association.
“Early on, like most girls my age, I babysat. I had many regular customers and could charge premium rates on big nights like New Year’s Eve…we would call that surge pricing now.
“When I formed my first band, I started calling myself an entrepreneur. There are a lot of logistics to handle, including managing the players, equipment, contract negotiations, schedule and vendor relations.
“Shortly after moving to Vancouver in 2004, I began getting a lot of work as a public speaking and on-camera coach. Then, I legally incorporated my company, King Willow Management, where my two businesses – Live Selling School and Dawn Chubai Media are housed.
“I worked for free (or almost free) early on. Whether it was ensuring my musicians got paid their proper rate (and me having to use my share to make it happen) or making a whopping $15,000 annual salary for my first TV gig and then getting another job as a day bartender at Joey so that I could work in TV.
“I never complained. I just wanted what I wanted (best players, an opportunity) and was willing to figure out how to make it happen. As a result of my sacrifice, I always had the very best musicians, ultimately positioning me to command higher rates and better venues.
“I started a 25-year career in TV as a prominent, award-winning national television host. I never felt taken advantage of or that I was being ripped off. I knew how important opportunity was, and I wouldn’t let anything stand in my way from making the most of it and putting my best foot forward.
“The public speaking, camera coaching and media training components of my business are a natural flow from my work as a broadcaster. Learning to be comfortable speaking and presenting on TV, video and stage is best learned from someone who has actually done it.
“I was able to secure clients from all industries. I still work with everyone from chefs to CEOs, and their opportunities to make a great first impression became my opportunity to help get them there.
“When I decided to leave TSC (The Shopping Channel) to return to Vancouver last year, I brought seven years of live commerce skills, passion, strategic insight and a new area of expertise to my client base. My entrepreneurial pursuits now include Live Selling School and Dawn Chubai Media Services.
“Working in the media for 25 years, you are part of a community of people who, to some extent, become ‘instant’ friends. You receive invites to parties, dinners and openings. You belong to a community that enables you to connect with people and businesses primarily because you are on television and the possibility that you may be able to help grow or amplify a person, company, message or cause in the media. You are part of a marketing strategy.
“I also had professional relationships with some of the top PR Agencies in Vancouver as their ‘go-to’ partner for media training their clients. I had already positioned myself as an authority in this space for individuals and businesses who couldn’t afford PR but still needed skill development.
“I had already built a professional reputation and provided value outside of being on television, so when I left Rogers Sports and media after nearly 19 years to focus on Dawn Chubai Media Services and Live Selling School, I didn’t feel the same sense of loss that I am sure many in the media who leave that community may feel.
“After giving my notice at Rogers, many people asked what I planned to do. When I told them I would grow my business to include Live Selling Talent Training and Live Commerce Strategy to retail brands, they would nod, knowing that if anyone were going to be a disrupter in this space, it would be me.
“That was encouraging, but the FIRST validation that I was on the right path was when I received LinkedIn messages from nearly every Live Shopping Platform worldwide wanting to talk about my Live Selling School business and the ‘Learn the HSH Method of Live Selling’ video course.
“My first two weeks of full-time entrepreneurship had me on Zoom calls with people in Singapore, Tel Aviv, Copenhagen, London, New York, Montreal, and Toronto. Each platform’s CMO or CEO would share how they also were growing the Live Commerce Market with their software and that the gap they constantly saw was finding qualified live shopping hosts.
“Each would tell me, “No one is doing what you are doing, Dawn.” I knew this because of all the research I did before launching Live Selling School and creating the video course.
“This brings me to my SECOND validation or pivotal moment people purchased my course. I created something people were willing to pay for. Wow…what a rush it is opening up my dashboard and seeing SALES! I could offer insight that they couldn’t get anywhere else. I was helping sales representatives and influencers up-skill.
“I had an idea and business outside of media to incorporate into retail and commerce strategy. I was taking everything I had done and knew how to teach and build a business around it that people and brands were willing to pay for. To build video and camera confidence with media training and live e-commerce in a world where most interactions, business and shopping take place
“I am constantly finding new ways to work with people. I am continually prospecting and educating brands and agencies on what I do and how to help them reach new levels of confidence and sales.
“I host a video series on YouTube called Live Shopping Talk. I say yes to every podcaster worldwide that asks me to appear on their program. As an entrepreneur…there are no days off.
“I must acknowledge every PR person and agency who has partnered with me and still books me as a media trainer.
“Brands and agencies nationally who have been willing to hear my pitch about incorporating the ‘Live Commerce Strategy’ into marketing plans and then booking second meetings.
“Thanks to TV Home Shopping host Carrie Olver for being my sounding board while the Live Selling School idea percolated. Lisa O’Hare, former Sauder School of Business executive and fellow Terminal City Club member, who reconnected me with designer RozeMerie Cuevas (JAC by JC) to work with her on an upcoming series of live shopping shows.
“Additionally, PR superstar Kim Bowie has just returned to Vancouver from living in Mexico. While busy running her own business, she always makes time for me and shares her expertise as I grow my business.
“Kevin Li from Little Ram Productions brought me into his livestream shopping project with FilmGear Canada as the Live Selling Talent Trainer, and actor/ comedian Milton Ng for being such a good student.
“Carolyn Galvin from Clikit Media who has brought me on to partner with her latest livestream shopping client, Toronto jewellery designer Erin Tracy.
“Last but not least, my husband Brad, for all of the reasons that every entrepreneur reading this knows, which must be solidly in place to make any of this work and to start the journey in the first place.
“Along this journey, I have honed my pitch, and I will share it here: “How would you like to see an increase in your e-commerce sales by up to 30%? How about accessing new customers, building community and cultivating brand loyalty in a modern way? Wouldn’t you like to see more from your influencer marketing strategies? How about gauging success through actual sales rather than just likes? By adopting ‘live commerce’ early, you sit ahead of the curve and your competitors, tapping into a dynamic platform that merges entertainment with shopping and bridges the gap between in-person and online. With consumers craving more authentic and engaging interactions, live commerce offers a unique opportunity to connect with your audience meaningfully, building trust and loyalty like never before.
“As a TV Home Shopping and Livestream Shopping Host selling over $30,000,000 in product, I know how to connect with an audience through the screen, motivating them to buy and creating an entertaining experience that meets the consumer where they are – on their screens.
“Let me help your brand and existing talent navigate this emerging space through workshops, sales training, and live commerce strategy. From pitch to presentation, I can work with your team to take your e-commerce strategy to the next level.
“People need to educate themselves about live and social commerce. If you are a brand that sells on e-commerce (or an agency that represents one), you need to learn more about this emerging space that is expected to reach 35 Billion by the end of 2024 and 68 Billion in the US by 2026 (Coresight Research).
“Suppose you are a brand ambassador, sales rep, or influencer passionate in any category (for example, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, fitness). In that case, I also invite you to see how you might bring more value to the brands you work with and represent. Be a leader in this space. Learn the specialized selling skills through the screen and set yourself apart from everyone else in your space. Up-skill before you are out-skilled.
“When you learn about live commerce, you will quickly see the advantage of my process so that when your competitors adopt this technique, you won’t find yourself Googling it; you will already be benefiting from it!
“As 2024 moves forward into 2025, I look forward to working with at least one top-tier big brand on their national live commerce strategy and several independent businesses looking for a competitive edge.”
Author Profile

- Helen Siwak is the founder of EcoLuxLuv Marketing & Communications Inc and publisher of Folio.YVR Luxury Lifestyle Magazine and PORTFOLIOY.YVR Business & Entrepreneurs Magazine. She is a prolific content creator, consultant, and marketing and media strategist within the ecoluxury lifestyle niche. Post-pandemic, she has worked with many small to mid-sized plant-based/vegan brands to build their digital foundations and strategize content creation and business development. Helen is the west coast correspondent to Canada’s top-read industry magazine Retail-Insider, holds a vast freelance portfolio, and consults with many of the world’s luxury heritage brands. Always seeking new opportunities and challenges, you can email her at helen@ecoluxluv.com.
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