Let’s get real—acne is one of those struggles we would rather not deal with, but it happens to the best of us. The good news? Understanding what is going on with your skin can help you get ahead of those pesky breakouts. From genetics to lifestyle habits, let us unpack the causes—and I will share some game-changing skincare tips along the way!

Why Does Acne Happen?

First off, blame your genes. If your family has a history of acne, you might have inherited skin that is more prone to clogged pores, extra oil, or even bacteria imbalances.

Then there are hormones. Ever notice how your skin can go haywire during your period or other hormonal shifts like pregnancy or menopause? Yep, fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone can lead to more oil and, you guessed it, more breakouts.

And let us not forget lifestyle. Stress (looking at you, deadlines), sugar-filled snacks, and even the wrong skincare products can throw your skin out of whack. Add environmental factors like pollution, and it is no wonder your skin is stressed too.

Your New Best Friend: Alphascience Skincare


So, while we cannot always control acne, we can upgrade our skincare. Enter Alphascience—your new go-to for a next-level routine. Their science-backed products are seriously impressive, and they come straight from the beauty capital of France.

Alphascience products are backed by the newest technology in skin excellence. The Alphascience NextGenTM Technology, utilizes an advanced system that creates a protective shield around antioxidant molecules through ionization and electron transfer modulation. This groundbreaking approach not only preserves the potency of key ingredients but also provides enhanced stability. This ensures the antioxidants retain their full efficacy, giving greater protection to users against environmental stressors and oxidative damage.


ALPHASCIENCE, BLEND PR, FOLIOYVR, THE CONTOUR CONCIERGE, HELEN SIWAK, VANCOUVER, BC, LIFESTYLEThis is a holy grail for smoother, clearer skin. With ingredients like Salicylic Acid, Niacinamide, and AHA Botanical Complex, it tackles redness, shine, and even fine lines.


ALPHASCIENCE, BLEND PR, FOLIOYVR, THE CONTOUR CONCIERGE, HELEN SIWAK, VANCOUVER, BC, LIFESTYLEFor protection and glow, this serum has stabilized Vitamin C and Phytic Acid to shield your skin from stress while keeping oil in check.


ALPHASCIENCE, BLEND PR, FOLIOYVR, THE CONTOUR CONCIERGE, HELEN SIWAK, VANCOUVER, BC, LIFESTYLEHydration is key! This serum gives your skin a radiant, plumped look and helps all those other powerhouse ingredients work better.

Trust me, your skin deserves this love. Let Alphascience help you feel confident and glowing every day.

Author Profile

Jade Massie, The Contour Concierge
Jade Massie, The Contour Concierge
With over 15 years immersed in the dynamic realms of beauty and fashion, Jade Massie is the Beauty, Health & Wellness ambassador for Port/Folio.YVR. In this series (hosted by Jade and composed by Helen Siwak), we share a commitment to the people, personalities, and places that make Vancouver are wonderful place of self-care, self-love, and satisfying experiences. Follow her on IG: @thecontourconcierge.
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