Enhance your autumn beauty regimen with the stunning and effortless application of ARDELL lashes. As we transition into fall, we are greeted with many opportunities to head out, including work gatherings, charitable functions, and upcoming holiday celebrations. Whether you aspire to flaunt striking lashes or explore a dynamic makeup aesthetic, ARDELL’s collection of essential lashes is exquisitely suited for you.
Seamless Wispies Lash Kit
Look no further for a refined, dramatic eye than ARDELL’s Seamless Wispies Collection. This all-in-one kit provides the perfect opportunity to tailor your look for up to six applications, ensuring you are prepared for any evening’s endeavours. Revel in the long-lasting hold and striking style, enabling you to seamlessly transition from day to night without skipping a beat!
With its easy application and stunning look, this lash kit is perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any occasion. Experience the long-lasting wear and seamless transition from day to night that this collection offers.
Naked Extensions and Naked Trios
When you are hitting the dance with your besties or embarking on a journey to discover the city’s finest culinary and cocktail experiences, Naked Extensions and Naked Trios present seamless integration with a captivating flair that is sure to capture everyone’s attention!
Ardell is the leader of false lashes worldwide, with the largest selection of high-quality lashes for every style and every occasion. Worn and loved by celebrities, makeup artists, beauty lovers around the world, and now you!
Author Profile

- Helen Siwak is the founder of EcoLuxLuv Marketing & Communications Inc and publisher of Folio.YVR Luxury Lifestyle Magazine and PORTFOLIOY.YVR Business & Entrepreneurs Magazine. She is a prolific content creator, consultant, and marketing and media strategist within the ecoluxury lifestyle niche. Post-pandemic, she has worked with many small to mid-sized plant-based/vegan brands to build their digital foundations and strategize content creation and business development. Helen is the west coast correspondent to Canada’s top-read industry magazine Retail-Insider, holds a vast freelance portfolio, and consults with many of the world’s luxury heritage brands. Always seeking new opportunities and challenges, you can email her at helen@ecoluxluv.com.
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