Brittany Michalchuk, the visionary and founder of the YVR Entrepreneurs Club, is a global force to be reckoned with. As a seasoned investor, she boasts a significant real estate portfolio, including 42 rental properties and multiple other investments. 

Her influence extends far beyond her investments. She has graced hundreds of stages worldwide, garnered numerous awards, and guided thousands of students through her academy. Her emceeing prowess is unmatched in Vancouver, where she hosts some of the most prestigious events

Brittany’s passion for numbers, which propelled her to complete a finance degree with honours, is only surpassed by her unwavering commitment to personal growth. 

portfolioyvr, helen siwak, Brittany Michalchuk, CEO, YVR entrepreneurs club, Vancouver, bc, yvr

Her dedication to empowering and inspiring others is a testament to her belief in every individual’s potential to make a significant impact on the world. Her resilience and continuous pursuit of knowledge inspire many to embark on their own journeys of self-improvement and goal achievement.

Brittany’s professional achievements have been recognized by numerous media outlets, including Metro, CBC, Good Morning LaLa Land, CTV, Global News, Sports Network, Flare, and 
Hello Magazine. Her client list reads 
like a who’s who of the business world, including Top 500 companies and successful world-renowned businesses like Dentyne Ice, Wrangler, ATB Financial, Ducati, Opa, and Monster Energy

portfolioyvr, helen siwak, Brittany Michalchuk, CEO, YVR entrepreneurs club, Vancouver, bc, yvr


“I have been an entrepreneur since I could speak; entrepreneurship runs in my veins and brings me immense fulfillment and joy. Growing up in the 1990s was a treat. When all my friends played with Barbies, I sold painted rocks door-to-door and later Beanie Babies, handmade items, and Pokémon cards. When my friends would ask me to meet up, I was busy working and focused on my dreams. 

“Like any entrepreneur, I have faced my fair share of setbacks, even back then! One such instance was at a trade show, where I was selling and trading my Pokémon cards. It was a successful day, until a thief stole my backpack, which contained my remaining cards and cash. The loss was devastating, but it taught me a valuable lesson about the importance of vigilance in life and business. 

“My family is the bedrock of my entrepreneurial spirit. They instilled in me the belief that being an independent entrepreneur who positively impacts the world is a noble venture. My father and mother, who have been together for nearly 50 years, have worked tirelessly to build a stable real estate business

“Their dedication and hard work have been my guiding light. Together we buy land, build complexes, duplexes, and houses, and rent them out short and long-term. I grew up helping my family build the business, and my parents taught me the value of hard work.

“They never wanted to hand me anything; they came from nothing and believed I should work hard to earn it. My dad had ten brothers and sisters and grew up on a farm, learning the value of hard work from humble immigrant parents

“He instilled a rock-solid work ethic in my sister and me. Being lazy was forbidden in our family. I am so lucky and blessed to have had the best parents alive. They taught me priceless lessons and helped me become resilient, passionate, focused, kind, resourceful, and independent. My mom is the best in the world; she is my biggest supporter and cares deeply about her family. 

“While attending the Haskayne School of Business at the University of Alberta and earning my degree in Finance, I started my first real company, Success Tutoring Inc. It was a tutoring business specializing in math-related subjects. 

“I excelled in these subjects and tutored Finance, Accounting, Statistics, and Calculus. I also hired other tutors to cover these subjects. Math 30 Pure was a high-demand subject for university entrance, and parents were willing to pay well for tutoring in it.

portfolioyvr, helen siwak, Brittany Michalchuk, CEO, YVR entrepreneurs club, Vancouver, bc, yvr

“In 2016, I competed in my first pageant and became Miss Calgary. My goal was to become a better public speaker. I was determined to stretch outside my comfort zone and become the best version of myself. As Miss Calgary, I was able to compete in international pageants, which led me to win multiple public speaking awards and priceless opportunities. 

“From there, I owned and operated several lucrative and impactful businesses. The largest one was BAM Marketing Solutions, which I founded at 19, followed by inFocus Marketing, which grew to become one of the most successful marketing and staffing agencies in Western Canada. I secured contracts with Ducati, ATB Financial, Wrangler, Dentyne Ice, and several other notable companies. 

“My journey may have begun in Alberta but has continued at an accelerated pace in BC. It has been a majestic experience that has brought significant meaning to my life. 

YVR Entrepreneurs Club has exploded in Vancouver and is quickly taking over. I have one of the fastest-growing clubs in the city and am privileged to be able to help so many people. The countless testimonials from people saying their lives have been changed by joining our club have filled me with immense joy and fulfillment. 

“To me, entrepreneurship provides freedom, passion, connection, independence, flexibility, and the opportunity to strive to be your best self. 

It constantly pushes you out of your comfort zone, forcing growth daily. If you do not grow, your business will not grow, so you must work on yourself to benefit your clients and staff.

“I have had a few business ventures over the years, each serving as a stepping stone to where I am today, truly living my passion and purpose. I learned something valuable from each business. In my jewelry business, a passion project for charity, I realized how important it is to do something that fulfills you and gives back. In my marketing businesses, I learned the importance of getting your message in front of people. If you have a product or solution that genuinely helps people, you must get it before them. In my club, I learned the importance of community. Each business holds a beautiful life lesson and gift within it.

“Along the way, I have invested a lot in myself. I chose a sober lifestyle to focus on my business and take a hard look at every person in my life, asking if they were someone I should be spending my time with. Everything in my life became intentional and aligned with my goals and dreams. I got clarity on my blind spots and weaknesses and worked tirelessly on them, investing in many coaches and programs to become the best version of myself. 

“I studied the qualities of successful people and worked on embodying them daily. I put in the repetitions, worked extremely hard, and kept learning from my mistakes to master my craft.

“Success is challenging; you have to work harder than anyone you know and pay your dues. 

“As full as my life is, there are two amazing boys that need to be acknowledged for bringing so much love to my life. My two pups, Peanut and Chance (rescued from an abusive situation on the Seawall), make me incredibly happy. Together these two enrich my life, bring meaning to each day, and make me believe every life, is worth something valuable.

“Entrepreneurs keep moving forward, they get knocked down, they get back up, experiment, and understand that there is so much untapped potential and power inside us. See every day as a new challenge, risk, opportunity, and blank canvas. 

“There has not been a singular moment when I knew it would all work out. Early in the development of the YVR Entrepreneurs Club, I produced a luxury dining experience for a select group of members. When the tickets sold out and a waiting list started, I knew it was all coming together. The innovators and visionaries in Vancouver were on board with what I was creating! 

portfolioyvr, helen siwak, Brittany Michalchuk, CEO, YVR entrepreneurs club, Vancouver, bc, yvr

“Participating in the Grandview Heights TEDx in 2023 was a decisive moment for me because it is not every day that you get to share your journey with over 100 people in an intimate setting! The TEDx opportunity allowed me to share my story and insights globally. It was an incredible experience that reinforced my purpose and passion. 

“I have had the privilege of being the emcee for various groups, organizations, and charities, including The Modern Day Wife, Les Brown Mastermind, PowerfulU, JVology Live, Dan Fleshman Mastermind, Brad Leas Podcast, Andy Frisella podcast, and Millionaire Mastermind. These experiences have allowed me to connect with influential people and make a significant impact. 

“Additionally, on my podcast, The Vitamin B Show, I have interviewed world leaders and top performers to 
find out what makes them great. My podcast attracted incredible guests such as Greg O’Gallagher, Trent Shelton, Elena Cardone, and Dr. Jen Fraboni, all stellar influencers in their fields. 

“I am grateful for the trailblazers who proved it is possible to succeed. They provided a tangible example of what can be achieved through hard work and becoming the best version of yourself. I admire Lewis Howes, Robin Sharma, Alex Hermozi, Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Eckhart Tolle, Jamie Kern Lima, and many more, who have positively impacted and changed people’s lives. 

“In 2024, I will host more powerful and transformative personal growth events for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to level up with the support of a community of like-minded game changers. The YVR Entrepreneurs Club has had several significant events that have profoundly impacted people’s lives, the feedback has been incredible as people are receptive to what we do.

“The fast sell-out rates of YVREC events are a powerful reminder that I am on the right track. I am helping people and inspiring them to become better versions of themselves. Changing lives is the most noble pursuit, and it is my driving force. 
I wake up every day for myself, the Peanut and Chance, and all the people who need me. 

“Whenever someone tells me our event changed their life, I am filled with immense joy and happiness, knowing I am fulfilling my quest for authentic fulfillment. 

“My current business model revolves around creating an inclusive and supportive community for entrepreneurs. YVREC events provide resources and foster connections that help our members grow their businesses and themselves. Collaborating with notable figures like Michael Graziano has put us on the radar in the city, and each day continues to build on that momentum. 

“In our incubator of inspiration, self-discovery, and personal growth, people are learning to live better lives and become empowered – to become their catalysts of change. 

“Each event pushes individuals beyond their comfort zones to grow and transform into their best selves and make a significant, unforgettable impact on the world. YVREC is all about unlocking maximum potential, not just for personal gain, but to leave a lasting legacy that will inspire future generations

“By the end of 2025, I envision my business becoming a household name in the Vancouver entrepreneurial scene. In the next five years, it will be recognized across the USA, with chapters in each city. Lives will be changed, people will be inspired to become their best selves, and we will be helping countless individuals. 

“Looking back, I have known my life’s purpose since I was 18. Still, it took over a decade to find the courage, expertise, knowledge, talent, confidence, capacity, and experience to step into my power fully. 

“I think about how much time I could have saved if I had listened to my intuition sooner. Your heart always knows what you are meant to do. It takes courage, but it is better late than never.”

Author Profile

Helen Siwak, Luxury Lifestyle Observer
Helen Siwak, Luxury Lifestyle Observer
Helen Siwak is the founder of EcoLuxLuv Marketing & Communications Inc and publisher of Folio.YVR Luxury Lifestyle Magazine and PORTFOLIOY.YVR Business & Entrepreneurs Magazine. She is a prolific content creator, consultant, and marketing and media strategist within the ecoluxury lifestyle niche. Post-pandemic, she has worked with many small to mid-sized plant-based/vegan brands to build their digital foundations and strategize content creation and business development. Helen is the west coast correspondent to Canada’s top-read industry magazine Retail-Insider, holds a vast freelance portfolio, and consults with many of the world’s luxury heritage brands. Always seeking new opportunities and challenges, you can email her at
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